Towards a world where everyone can live true to themselves

Stellarsphere Inc.


Stellarsphere Inc. is working to solve the problem of declining birthrates and an aging population by utilizing AI technology.

We also aim to develop AI infrastructure around the world to create a world where everyone can pursue what they love and live their own life.


+AIR Quest

"AIR Quest" is a short-term, intensive learning program for AI.

AIR Quest



Maximize learning outcomes

We provide content supervised by experts that can be learned in a short time, and have created an environment where you can learn continuously every day. We also provide learning content that is compatible with the latest AI tool updates so that you can acquire skills efficiently in a short time.


Improved work efficiency and productivity

"AIR Quest" provides skills that can be immediately used in the workplace, and allows you to learn everything from the basics to advanced aspects of your daily work. By utilizing AI throughout the organization, this will improve the workflow itself and improve efficiency across the entire company.


Thorough support for settling in

Dify's chatbot will be used to answer questions, regular meetings will be held to manage learning status, and reports on retention and status data will be conducted. In addition, viewing data engagement analysis will be used to utilize various learning status data to help students retain their learning.

Go to AIR Quest service site


Business Partner

Masanori Morishita

Serial entrepreneur. Founded Everforth in 2010, gathering numerous highly skilled engineers with an overwhelmingly free culture and engaging in the development of various products. In 2018, he transferred all shares of Everforth to WingArc1st. Even after the sale, he continued to manage the company as its representative, aiming to create designs and engineering that could have a fundamental impact on the economy and developing businesses that support the DX (Digital Transformation) of large corporations.
After the sale, he has been involved in the launch of numerous startups and has continued to challenge fields entirely different from IT, such as wine, food, and art. As an investor, he has been focusing on startup investments, mainly in companies related to DX and AI.

Business Partner

Hirokazu Chida

Serial entrepreneur. Founded "SAKIDORI," a web media that revolutionizes the "product selection" experience, achieving 12 million monthly users and an annual transaction volume of 20 billion yen. Sold all shares to Bic Camera four years after its founding. Currently involved in the management of multiple companies in various industries, including the digital transformation of the bridal industry, coworking spaces, and restaurants. He values the philosophy of "making work enjoyable" and is engaged in various projects with his connections.

Marketing Partner

Koki Saito

Serial entrepreneur. Founded Cyclo Marketing Co., Ltd. in 2011. Launched "Migiude," Japan's first design BPaaS, which was adopted by over 2,000 companies in four years. In 2019, sold all shares to Lancers, Inc. and became the president of the group company upon its IPO in the same year. Stepped down from the position in 2020 and founded Om Co., Ltd., providing marketing support for startups. Appointed CMO of Caster Co., Ltd. in 2023, leading the company to an IPO the same year. As an investor, has invested in multiple companies, focusing on health, lifestyle, and logistics-related enterprises, including IT and food-related funds.

Development Partner

Yoshihiko Sugimoto

Serial entrepreneur. CEO of Spielkuchne Co., Ltd. and CEO of Tsukai Technology Co., Ltd. Founder of Generative AI Study Group. After selling Brilliant Service Co., Ltd. and going through a major foreign SI, he started a new startup again. He has a track record of building services for municipalities using DX and generative AI for socially vulnerable groups. With the policy of eliminating poverty through technology, he founded Tsukai Technology Co., Ltd. Recently, he has many examples of using generative AI and IoT, and he is promoting DX and building services in other industries. Simultaneously, to support single parents in raising children alone, he founded Spielkuchen Co., Ltd., which sells capsule cakes through gacha machines.

Development Partner

Ryohei Kamiya

Founder and CEO/CTO of LABBIZ Inc., a company operating in the field of "Generative AI × Business Efficiency and Automation." He has a diverse background, having worked as a researcher for a watch manufacturer, an engineer responsible for new business development at a big data analytics company, a research and development engineer at an IoT startup, and CTO of a real estate tech startup before assuming his current position in 2023.He has developed an AI agent that streamlines the requirements definition process for system development and is currently providing it to multiple companies.

Creative Partner

Shingo Honda

CEO of Indigo Co., Ltd., celebrating its 10th anniversary. Specialized in CG video production, the company has received numerous video production commissions from major Japanese manufacturers. Beyond video production, he is also involved in directing iPhone apps, having overseen an app that reached the 2nd place in the overall free iPhone app rankings and received coverage in various media outlets, showcasing his diverse talents in the visual domain.

Development Partner

Thang Nguyen

In 2012, Nguyen Huy Thang graduated from Keio University and subsequently joined One of Them Co., Ltd. In 2015, he founded HBLAB Joint Stock Company and became its chairman. Additionally, in 2017, he established HBLAB Japan Co., Ltd. in Japan and took on the role of president to expand his business. In 2020, he founded Kiddihub Joint Stock Company and once again assumed the position of chairman.

Executive Producer / CEO

Masaru Yamada

Serial entrepreneur. Born in Shiga Prefecture. Started his career as an engineer, and after working for an IT consulting company, worked overseas as a director of a venture company. After returning to Japan, he became President and Representative Director of Paraft Corporation in September 2016. With the concept of "Live, Work, and Have More Fun. With the concept of "Live, Work, and Have More Fun," he aims to realize a society where all people can work comfortably. He has developed several businesses, including a job network media that encourages diverse ways of working, and in November 2017 sold the company to a crowdsourcing service company that is now a publicly listed company. He then led the company to go public and retired shortly after the listing. Currently, he researches AI and founded Stellarsphere Inc. in Japan. He has also established a U.S. corporation and plans to develop multiple AI services worldwide.